A Wanderer an intuitive mind's blog

St. Edwards University Graduate Student (2010)

Private Practice 101 is the best introduction to starting a private counseling business I have seen in my grad school experience. Often we learn how to help but do not learn how to provide for ourselves. Michelle detailed important issues such as professional presence, promotion of one's practice, and the cost of doing business. She provided a detailed listing showing the typical operational expenses which must be paid. She showed how to create a positive web presence. And how to market oneself. Overall, it was an outstanding upbeat introduction into the business of private practice.

Michelle Bohls

Michelle Miller Bohls is a psychotherapist, author and speaker living in Austin, Texas. She specializes in helping intuitive, sensitive, creative individuals thrive in a world that is biased toward the logical and linear. Michelle also specializes in couples counseling, GLBTQ counseling and relationship coaching. Her primary treatment approaches include EMDR, Interpersonal Therapy, Jungian Therapy, Imago Relationship Therapy and Group Therapy.