Austin's Relationship Expert for Creatives + Intuitive People

Michelle Bohls, LMFT

Are you a creative, sensitive, or intuitive person who is struggling in your relationships?

We can help.

Struggling in a relationship dynamic that you don't understand can be challenging on your own.
Many of my clients find that they begin to feel better

as we explore new ways to see themselves and their relationships.

Relief comes as we uncover some deeper truths.

By exploring the stories you tell yourself, the roles you take on, and the perspectives of the others in your life, we can see you as an individual in the context of your life.

In this way, there is no need to judge, but rather,
together we can understand how your previous choices made sense and find new directions for you.

If you are ready to gain energy towards the achievement of your goals as a couple or in group therapy, please call me.
Together we can explore the best direction forward.

Book a Workshop

Who Are Highly Intuitive People?

Join me in my mission to help the world awaken and reclaim the gifts of the intuitive mind. The presentation below was given at the Creative and Madness Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico in August of 2016

If you would like to follow along with the presentation above you may watch the presentation below (in Prezi):

If you are planning a conference or would like to host a workshop in your area,
there are several talks that can be adapted to your organization's needs.